We are committed to constantly improving the services we offer. Involving residents and listening to your views will help us to do this.

You can get involved in different ways – from filling out a questionnaire to coming on a residents’ day trip. If you want to come to a meeting, we will pay your travel costs and offer to pay for childcare or a carer’s cost, if you need this. We also provide free refreshments.

If we change the way your estate is run, or we plan to carry out a major refurbishment or improvement works, we will consult you.

For simple changes, we may write, email or text you. You will have at least 28 days to comment, either in writing, by email or by phone.

For matters that affect your home, we may also hold a general meeting, either at your scheme or close by, at a time convenient to most residents.

If necessary, we will also meet you individually. We will write to you afterwards to confirm what was said and agreed.