We recognise that some residents require more support. Our staff will help you get the support you need to live as independently as possible. We can either put you in touch with the local authority support team or other specialist agencies.

You don’t have to put up with domestic abuse. If you think you may be experiencing domestic abuse, please contact us for advice. There are laws to protect you and people who can deal confidentially with your case.

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 defines domestic abuse as abusive behaviour between two people who are aged 16 or over and who are personally connected to each other.

The abuse can be:

  • physical or sexual
  • violent or threatening
  • controlling or coercive
  • economic, and/or
  • psychological, emotional or other abuse.

Abusive behaviour can consist of a single incident or a course of conduct.
If you think you may be experiencing domestic violence, you should contact us and the police. You can also get help from:
Women’s Aid,
Victim Support,
Citizens Advice.

If someone in your household has a disability, we may be able to offer help. This could involve installing special equipment to aid mobility, or adaptations to ensure you can use your home.

For a major adaptation, we can help you to apply to your local authority for a Disabled Facilities Grant to cover the cost.

If your home cannot be adapted, we may be able to arrange for a transfer to a more suitable property.

For useful information, if you are struggling with your living costs, check our Help on a low income leaflet for advice and sources of support. [Link to download leaflet