020 7625 1799

Anti-social Behaviour

What should I do if I am experiencing anti-social behaviour?

We are committed to creating communities where our tenants and their families can enjoy a quality of life free from anti-social behaviour. We take reports of ASB very seriously.

For an emergency incident, you should call the emergency number: 999 and report it to the police immediately.

For a non-emergency incident, you can download an Incident Sheet to write down each ASB incident and send it back to us. You can also report the issues by email: admin@odu-dua.org or call the office on 0207 625 1799.

You should also always report any ASB incident to your Housing Officer.

What should I do if the same issues happen again and again?

Please remember to continue sending us recorded and signed incident sheets. The records on file will help support incidents to be tackled more efficiently and effectively. And thus, if a case went to the court, sufficient records will help to deliver a more permanent solution to the problem.